Do You Need to Be Reminded to Breathe?

“Grant me, O Lord,

To know what is worth knowing

To love what is worth loving

To praise what delights you most

To value what is precious in your sight

To hate what is offensive to you.

May I search out and do what pleases you,

through Jesus Christ our Lord."

--Thomas A' Kempis

There are times that we just need to pull away from the noise, the hurry, the busyness, the distractions and just be present with our heavenly Father. There in the stillness he reminds you of what is most important, most precious, most worthy, most honoring of Him in this life. He is able to restore our weary souls and renew our strength and passion.

Might this be one of those times in your life where He is inviting you to come away with Him for a day and just breathe?

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